Years ago, my mom had a sudden, unforeseen, and devastating stroke. In the whirlwind of hearing this news, rushing to the hospital to be at her side, and the surgery that ensued. . .
If you’ve ever spent an evening around a crackling campfire, you’re familiar with its inviting warmth and captivating flames. You also know that before you walk away from it for the night, . . .
As autumn takes its place in the seasonal calendar, colors begin to emerge across the landscape. Brilliant reds, golden yellows, burnt oranges and deep burgundy appear next to evergreens in a glorious celebration of chromatic diversity.
I love the story of Jesus walking on water. His disciples are in a boat, trying to cross the Sea of Galilee amidst some sizable winds and waves when they perceive a ghost walking towards them on the water.
We all thought spring was coming. This winter in Minnesota had been a walk in the park compared to the record-setting snowfall of the previous year. We hadn’t seen more than a dusting of snow all season—
I have loved high, rocky places for as long as I can remember. Give me a mountain, a canyon, a craggy butte or even a large boulder to sit on and I am in my happy place!
I love new beginnings! And welcoming in a new year is the perfect setting. We’ve said goodbye to the year behind and gaze at the twelve months rolled out ahead of us like a red carpet. What will they hold?
Three years into my sixth decade, I’ve logged some miles in my time. I have tell-tale signs on my body to prove it: childhood scars on my chin
By 8 am the other morning, my kitchen looked like a crime scene—stuff shattered and splattered everywhere! There was, of course, no intruder—no forced entry—nothing stolen. But things were broken
Life is messy, isn't it? Things on this side of heaven don't end up as neat and tidy as someone like me, with a type A personality and a slight bent toward OCD, would like them. Schedules and agendas need to be
My husband Bill is a pilot. He doesn’t fly for a living but got his license years ago for the pure pleasure of being able to soar through the air and see the world from a completely different vantage point. Because of that,
We live in a time that applauds busyness, expects perfection and gives platforms to those who make the loudest noise.
I woke up tired this year—emotionally weary to my bones. December had ushered in a festive reprieve from the overshadowing challenges of the pandemic, but January seemed to
Imagine for a moment someone cupping your face in their hands, looking deep into your eyes, and telling you with genuine conviction how much they love you.
Minnesotans just received the kind of snowfall we long for—at Christmas! But here we are, in the middle of October, already being pummeled with temperatures and precipitation that have all the markings of winter!
How you answer the following question will reveal a good deal about your general perspective on life:
Several years ago I purchased a sports tank top for the first time. It was made of some kind of nylon-stretchy fabric, featured a racerback design,