Life is messy, isn't it? Things on this side of heaven don't end up as neat and tidy as someone like me, with a type A personality and a slight bent toward OCD, would like them. Schedules and agendas need to be constantly adjusted. Finances never seem to stretch as far as we would like. Health issues crop up and wreak havoc with our abilities. Projects take longer than expected. And then there are relationships—some of the messiest things on the planet. We wade through the muck of misunderstandings and the gamut of emotions while longing for meaningful connection with others. The process of living can be exhausting, grimy business for sure!
But as God’s ambassadors, we are called to jump into the messy business of life. We’re asked to be the ones to step into the grime with compassion and love and do what we can to create harmony out of discord. We are the ones that can shine the light of hope in the dark places. We are called to be the bridge-builders, the peacemakers, the helpers, the comforters, and the ones that are willing to strap on our boots and roll up our sleeves when life surrounds us with wreckage.
Since we have been given the Holy Spirit, we bring all that God has to offer even to the hardest situations. We are able to give beyond ourselves because we draw from a well of unlimited supply. The apostle Paul wants us to grasp this concept when he says in the book of Ephesians,
“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead” (Ephesians 1:19-20 NLT).
With God’s empowerment we can give the world - our brothers, sisters, coworkers, neighbors, children, spouse - what they so desperately need—hope, faith, love—in the form of time, a kind word, a helping hand, or any momentary reprieve from the muck. For every tangled and disheveled predicament, God offers a touch, an insight, an encouraging word and He uses flawed and floundering people like you and me to deliver them.
What a privilege to be God’s hands and feet on the ground in simple acts of kindness, using what we’ve been given to place a balm of love on a bleeding world. There’s never been a better time. There’s never been a greater need. Let’s live up to our calling as believers. Let's keep our boots ready and be willing to get our hands dirty.