Crazy About You!

Imagine for a moment someone cupping your face in their hands, looking deep into your eyes, and telling you with genuine conviction how much they love you. Maybe you had a loving parent tell you this or perhaps a spouse that spoke these words. If so, you had a taste—a bite-sized morsel—of real love. Or, perhaps you’ve never had this said to you in your entire life. Regardless of your experience, I want you to know right now that you are loved completely and profoundly by God Himself!  And His love for you is infinitely greater than any kind of love found on earth! God’s love is unconditional, unchanging, undeterred, and ever-present with you.

You may know this truth well or you may be hearing this for the very first time. Whatever the case, I invite you to stop and really think about it: the eternal, Almighty God—the creator of the universe—loves YOU—right now, in this very moment and just the way you are. He sees and knows you entirely with all your imperfections, your faults and your broken places. Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows where you’ve walked, where you’ve cried and where you’ve been ashamed. He knows every detail about you and He loves you with an immeasurable, never-ending love. In fact, He is c-r-a-z-y about you! There is never a moment you are not in His thoughts and on His heart.

From beginning to end, the Bible recounts God’s love for you and how He moved heaven and earth on your behalf, even sending His only Son—Jesus—to secure your place with Him forever. The very hands that once were nailed to a cross had your name inscribed on them the moment you accepted Him into your heart.

Nothing compares to the magnitude of God’s love for you! And because my words could never begin to convey its depth, I’m sharing God’s words to you directly from Jeremiah 31:3, Isaiah 49:15,16, Hebrews 13:5 and Matthew 28:20. This is God speaking to you personally. Read it slowly. Let these tender words wash over you with all of the passion, security, conviction and truth that can only be spoken by a sovereign God whose power is as great as His love for you. 

This is God’s love letter—to you

I have loved you with an everlasting love.
I will not forget you.
Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands.
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
I am with you always to the close of the age.
For the mountains may depart
and the hills be removed
my steadfast love shall not depart from you.

To see a hand-lettered version of God’s Love Letter to You, click here