The Colors of Autumn

Love your neighbor as yourself. - Matthew 22:38

As autumn takes its place in the seasonal calendar, colors begin to emerge across the landscape. Brilliant reds, golden yellows, burnt oranges and deep burgundy appear next to evergreens in a glorious celebration of chromatic diversity. Trees that went unnoticed in shades of green are suddenly in the spotlight with their fiery tones. It’s a beautiful time of year when each part of the landscape reveals its unique, underlying colors and the scenery is more exquisite because of it.

We don’t often think of people in comparison to trees and foliage, but, like trees, we are uniquely made. And, as human beings, we have each been distinctly formed in the image of God. Our characteristics and qualities make up a vast spectrum of differences. We look differently, respond differently and have different talents and abilities. No two people are exactly alike. These differences create a landscape of humanity that is rich and beautiful, especially when we stand side by side in unity.

Jesus’ command to love your neighbor as yourself is a call to embrace our differences and respect one another, recognizing that we each bring something unique to the world and we are all better because of it.


Human nature often makes us quick to view differences in others negatively. This week, let’s take a look at the people in our lives that think, act or perhaps look different from us and ask God to help us learn from one another and realize our differences actually make us a better community of people and richer individuals.