The Gifts He Gives Us

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. - James 1:17

If you live in North America, especially in the Great Lakes region, you are undoubtedly familiar with Canadian geese. These are large birds with a black head and neck and a characteristic white “chinstrap” marking. Their call is an unmistakable honk and they migrate in a distinctive V-formation.

I learned these things at a young age as we traveled each Christmas to my grandparents’ home in Rochester, Minnesota where these geese winter by the thousands on the warm waters of the town’s Silver Lake.

My grandmother had newspaper articles of the geese’s growing population taped up in her kitchen. It was a topic of conversation whenever we came to visit. Without fail, we’d go to the lake with bits of old bread, toss them to the geese and watch the honking flock scramble to chase it. The tradition created many fond memories.

Years later when my grandmother died, I stood next to my mom following the gravesite ceremony. In our  final moments before leaving we heard the distinctive sound in the distance. Without a word, we both looked up and watched the V-shaped formation fly directly overhead in an chorus of harmonious honking. It was the most fitting and perfectly-timed memorial—a flyover of honor that, despite my grief, caused my heart to soar.


God loves to bless us with gifts—some big and some subtle enough to easily be missed if we’re too distracted to notice. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift from God! Think about how God is blessing you this week. Ask him to open your eyes to the special things he places in your path—just for you! Try not to be too busy to notice. What you discover might just be the thing that brings you the greatest joy.