Chasing Squirrels

Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows the distracting power of a squirrel.  One inkling of a squirrel’s presence in the vicinity, and a dog will snap to attention.  A single whiff of a squirrel during a casual stroll can jerk a dog’s leash right out of its owner’s hands.  Even a lazy dog napping in the afternoon sun will instantly launch into pursuit of an approaching squirrel. 

Humans typically don’t react this way to squirrels…but we have plenty of other distractions that have the same “squirrel” effect on us.  I can go online intent on doing research and easily become “squirreled” into the fascinating cyclone of Pinterest.  Or catch me walking down a grocery aisle and it won’t be long before you see me pulled aside by some tantalizing item on a shelf that seemed to be calling my name.  It’s just like those scenes from the movie Up! where an entire pack of dogs jump to attention at the sound of one word…


We are not at a loss for distractions in our lives.  From games to entertainment and from food to social media.  Today, more than ever before in history, we are surrounded and bombarded with information and images vying for our attention…much of it intentionally designed to snatch it.  It’s abundant, prolific, and, if we’re not careful, insidious as well. Distractions can derail our focus and consume our time.  They can keep us from our goals and unknowingly pull us away from our real priorities.

We all have squirrels in our lives.  And, depending on our bents and the particular way we’re wired, they can vary greatly.  How many of us have abruptly left a face-to-face conversation with someone to check on a text message notice? 


We’ve just let the person we’re with know they’re not as important as whatever is happening on our phone.  Or perhaps you were by yourself, thumbing through your emails but got enticed into playing a computer game.  


There’s twenty minutes of your life you’ll never regain. Worse still, how many of us can admit to times we had planned to spend in prayer or playing with our kids or having an important conversation with a friend but got squirreled into less important activities instead.

The Bible instructs us clearly, “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.  Watch where you’re going!  Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you.”  Proverbs 4:25,26

Of course, occasionally allowing ourselves to be distracted by something harmless is not a bad thing.  But it’s important to be mindful of how often it’s happening and at what cost.  Where are the squirrels in your life?  How often do they show up and cause distraction?  Squirrels can be cute and amusing, but we shouldn’t spend our entire day chasing them.  If we intentionally cultivate self-discipline through prayer, priority-setting and planning, we will be able to sustain better focus and resist distractions.  Then, the next time an unwanted “squirrel” comes into view, it will no longer have the power to derail us but will only remind us how far we’ve come.

Action Steps:

    • Take a few moments to think about what your real priorities are (example: morning prayer time, giving your kids your full attention, etc). 

    • Ask yourself what often pulls you away from your priorities (example: text messages, social media, your dog, etc.). 

    • Prayerfully visualize a plan of action for the next time these distractions occur and ask God to help you resist the temptation to get off track.

    • Be patient with yourself as you begin to notice the “squirrels” in your life and take joy in every success you have in chasing them off!