Going For Your Goals

People that fly fish wade into swift-moving waters with intention. They secure their feet on firm rocks and fix their gaze on areas of the river that likely hold their sought-after prize. They brace themselves against the power of the current with a solid stance, and wave their hope-filled pole high above the clamor—back and forth and back again with steady rhythm until finally releasing their cast into the waters with anticipation. They do this endlessly, lending patience to their cause, all the while staying focused on their goal and revering the process. 

We must be brave enough to wade into swift-moving waters with intention, despite the pressure of the river’s current around us.

We can take a lesson from fly fishermen when it comes to pursuing our callings and reaching for our goals. Neither will be realized without effort, without challenge, or without cost. It’s not enough to have ambition. We must be brave enough to wade into swift-moving waters with intention, despite the pressure of the river’s current around us. And we must endure when results don’t come our way quickly. We have the security of God’s promises and the guidance of His Word to give us the solid footing we need in our pursuits and the capacity to see them through. Following God’s lead may not be easy, but it’s always worthwhile.

Regardless of what river you find yourself standing in right now, you can stand firmly, knowing the Lord will not let your foot be moved (Psalm 121:3).  The power of the flow, however forceful, will not overwhelm you (Isaiah 43:2). The Lord is on your side—He is with you in the water. 

In the midst of whatever obstacles we face, He is close at hand, empowering us with His Spirit. Because of that, we have hope that extends beyond our shorelines and joy that rises above our circumstances. We can hold our hope high above the imposing waters and focus our efforts as God directs. 

The river is not your foe—it is part of the story of your journey—moving, changing and rushing by while you stand firmly on God’s promises beneath your feet. Do not give up. Cast your cares for God to receive. Learn to revere the process. And, like the fisherman, cultivate a rhythm of patience as you press on with endurance through the ebb and flow of your goals, knowing confidently that your effort will never be in vain.

“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” - 1 Corinthians 15:58