A few years back I was outside landscaping on a hill with some of the rocks on our property. I was enjoying the solitude of working in the cool afternoon air and building something solid with my hands. My pace was steady but careful as I carried heavy stones up and down the steep, jagged incline, arranging them and securing them in place. I was grateful for an activity that had pulled me out of my studio and gave me the chance to move my limbs. The work was demanding but satisfying and I found myself talking to the Lord and thanking Him for the beauty around me.
I had just started another descent down the hill to retrieve the next stone when, in a moment, everything changed. My foot stepped on an unfamiliar rock that shifted suddenly under my weight. In seconds, I was tumbling helplessly down the craggy slope, over rocks and broken tree branches. It was completely unexpected and it happened so fast. Yet even in those brief seconds, I had time to wonder how bad the outcome would be. Before I knew it, I came to an abrupt stop—my head landing on soft ground just inches from a boulder. For a moment I laid perfectly still, realizing I was still alive and telling myself inwardly I was perfectly fine. I had no idea at that time how bruised and broken I was.
Truth is, none of us know where that next step in life will take us or when the ground beneath our feet will suddenly give way and send us tumbling into unexpected circumstances. We’re not promised a life without challenges or pain for that matter either. We are living in uncertain times, for sure. But the one certainty we have in life, without question, is God. He is the One we can rely on with absolute assurance. He is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do. His Word is true. His promises are real. He loves us. He will never leave us. He will provide for us and He is working all things for our good. God offers certainty 24/7—right now, and every time you face a shift in the stone beneath your own foot.
The shock of unforeseen accidents often delays the reality of its pain. Following my fall down the hill that day I drove myself to an urgent care where x-rays revealed a crushed wrist that would require surgery, a steel plate, three months of healing in a cast and some intentional rehabilitation. It was a long road to recovery but God was with me every moment, reassuring me, strengthening me, and teaching me lessons I needed to learn. How wonderful to know that no matter what this uncertain world may have in store for us, God will be our constant. We need not fear these uncertain times because the God of the universe Himself is our certainty.
“It is appropriate for me to write this, for he (Jesus) also appeared to me so that I would reassure you beyond any shadow of a doubt the reliability of all you have been taught of him.” -Luke 1:4 TPT