Have You Unwrapped the Gift of Jesus?

Some of you have been thinking about this for a long time. Perhaps you've carried this invitation around your whole life, pondering its meaning—wondering if it’s really meant for you—wondering how it would affect you—wondering, even, if God is real. You’ve worn this question thin like an old candy wrapper rolled over and over between your fingers, waiting to be discarded. But now, in this Christmas season, the question is present once again and it’s yours to answer.

Some of us unwrapped the gift of Jesus years ago—so long ago that time has left the door of our hearts ajar to the chilling wind of apathy and the question now falls flat and feels redundant. We’ve decided it no longer applies to us. We’ve checked it off our list and immersed ourselves in the busyness of the season.

But as we approach Christmas Day, the question is for each one of us. Old or new, it has quietly taken its place like a gentle snowfall in our thoughts. Taking time with this question may make this Christmas something truly memorable.

Have I unwrapped the gift of Jesus?

...without Jesus, Christmas is just a lovely sentiment that fades when the ornaments come off the tree...

This is what Christmas is all about. Nothing else this season really matters. Don’t misunderstand—l love all the wonderful decorations, the celebrations, the carols, the present exchange, and the Christmas camaraderie that swells in the air everywhere you go. But without Jesus, Christmas is just a lovely sentiment that fades when the ornaments come off the tree and the decorations are tucked away for another year.

“…the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” —Romans 6:23

For those who have never opened and embraced the gift of Jesus and said yes to a life that places Him first—it’s transformational! It’s freeing to know you are loved just as you are and forgiven completely! It’s a decision that doesn’t come with false ideas of prosperity or a future tied neatly in beautiful bows. But it does mean a life that is never lived alone—one that relies on the full spectrum of God’s Word and every promise in it. It’s a decision that melts the divide between you and the Creator Himself and allows you to experience the avalanche of His unconditional love and faithfulness—not just for Christmas, but for the rest of your life and into eternity.

For those who have walked through many winter’s snow with Jesus at your side, the gift is for you afresh this season. Take the time—a quiet moment—to sit in the glow of the Bethlehem star and warm your heart to the first cries the little baby placed in the arms of an earthly woman by His own heavenly Father—God with us in human form. For us. For you. The earth reverberates with such a flurry of love! Let it resonate in your soul and rekindle your joy, like the first time you held such a gift in your hands.

There is no greater gift that has ever been given—no greater gift we could ever receive. We each need a few still moments in the presence of God—our thoughts quieted above the noise and weight of our circumstances—our hearts open to His relentless love for us and the sacrificial gift with our name on it.

Whether it’s your first time or your 61st, open your heart as you open this gift and let the full measure of Christmas fill you with more joy than a Christmas stocking can hold and more light than the brightest Christmas tree. God is with us.

Merry Christmas.