A Step of Faith

Our beautiful eight-year-old granddaughter, Evelyn Ann, was baptized last evening.

It was something she had wanted to do, after opening her heart to Jesus several years ago. She had taken the class her church required to learn what baptism truly means and finally the big night had come. She was nervous to be in front of so many people, as the church was brimming with attenders. Nonetheless, she waited her turn, poised and patiently, until her moment arrived. Then she gracefully stepped into the pool of water to demonstrate her faith in God and the love He has poured out to her.

For me, it was one of those moments when I experienced an instant playback of my life’s events, recalling God’s faithfulness over and over through the years—how God has nurtured and protected a legacy of faith—a faith that now resides in Evie. As we continued in a time of worship, I was completely overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. It welled into tears that could not be held back. My cheeks became wet with praise.

As for Evelyn, she was elated to have taken this step. Perhaps it was the first of many times she will stand for her faith despite bristling nerves and tummy butterflies. And isn’t that all we need? Just faith. God provides the rest—everything required to do whatever we are called to do.

...it was the first of many times she will stand for her faith despite bristling nerves and tummy butterflies.

Thank you, sweet girl, for demonstrating what it means to step out in faith. May you continue to walk with Jesus every day. And may your steps become strides as your heart expands and your love for Him grows more and more.